Meteorologii au emis o informare potrivit căreia instabilitatea atmosferică se va accentua treptat în majoritatea zonelor, începând de luni după-amiază, mai întâi
MoreHotel Ambient excel in three major aspects: location, as it is located in the centre of Brasov, a Romanian city with rich
MoreOficialitatile judetene se tot lauda ca vor finaliza in 2016 Aeroportul Brasov. Da-le o mana de ajutor si voteaza tarile spre care
MoreSocotita pe buna dreptate catedrala romanilor din tara Barsei, Biserica Sfantul Nicolae din Scheii Brasovului isi identifica inceputurile in negura vremurilor. „La anul de
MoreThe Bucegi Natural Park with an area of 32.663 ha was declared protected area and represents a mountainous area (caves, pit caves, canyons, ridges, sinkholes, valleys,waterfalls, pastures and forests), what shelters variety of
MoreBabele (meaning The old women) is a name for an area on the Bucegi Mountains plateau in Romania, within the Southern Carpathians. Babele is one of the most
More10 Reasons Why You Should Go to Brasov Romania 1. Medieval Brasov. Brasov is a place full of history with preserved fortresses and fortified
More10 Reasons Why You Should Go to Brasov Romania 1. Medieval Brasov. Brasov is a place full of history with preserved fortresses and fortified