Diana Ionascu: Doamne…te rog…teleporteaza-ma acasa, in Brasov!! Share this Facebook Messenger Last Updated on septembrie 6, 2014Diana Ionascu Doamne…te rog…teleporteaza-ma acasa, in Brasov!!Septimiu Cosmin Ciurca Pentru mine, Brasov nu e doar cel mai frumos oras din Romania, e chiar cel mai frumos oras din lume! Nicoleta Dinu My beautiful city, Brasov, I cannot wait to get there! (foto: Dany Photography) Previous StoryThank You – Sketch of town square in Brasov, Transylvania, while listening to a free opera concert. Amazing and lovely city! Next StoryAsa arata autobuzul de oras al fagarasenilor
Previous StoryThank You – Sketch of town square in Brasov, Transylvania, while listening to a free opera concert. Amazing and lovely city!